I turned on my computer a few days ago and realised that my D: drive didn’t appear in Explorer any more. Is my computer damaged?
There’s a bug in Windows that causes this to happen at times. There are a few reasons why this can happen, but here are the most common three:
- You upgrade a computer to Windows Vista or install Windows Vista Service Pack 1.
- You install or uninstall CD or DVD recording programs.
- You uninstall Microsoft Digital Image.
There’s an Knowledge Base article on Microsoft’s website that has a program that an fix the problem for you. Just head down to the article and see if it will do the trick. There’s a fix for Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, which means the problem can occur in any of those operating systems.
It’s fairly easy to fix so head down to the website, click on Fix this problem, light up one of your Dutch Master and let your computer do the work.