Ask a question

If you have a burning question, please leave a comment below. I’ll do my best to answer it; but if I can’t, I’m sure I can find someone who can!

7 thoughts on “Ask a question”

  1. A warning keeps popping up, adobe active x is trying to download on an unsupported system. If I say yes a download bar pops open for just a second then disappears and nothing else happens except the same warning pops up periodically. I am running Microsofts ME operating system. This OS is good for my needs.

  2. I’m trying to add a text widget to my blog and the badge keeps showing up outside the box. How do I get it back in?? All my other widgets work fine. Thanks Owen.

  3. Hey Owen. 🙂 What is the best way to block spam email from the server end of things? For what it’s worth, my domains are hosted on Unix servers, and I use cPanel to manage the backend of my sites.

  4. I think these two issues are related so I’ll ask one question. I can’t see passwords on certain blogs. Also my avatar does not show up on MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog on any blogs. I’ve tried in both FF and IE. Is there a setting that I need to change please?

  5. I’m writing a thesis on film music and need to insert some simple measures of musical motifs in my MS word document… what’s the best way to do this? I have finale but I don’t know how to incorporate the score into the MS word document.

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