I just bought a new LCD screen for my computer and I’ve noticed that there’s a spot on the screen that seems to be permanently green. What can I do about this?
I got this question from Carlo who had a problem pixel on his screen. Most screen manufacturers have tests they do on screens to make sure they don’t ship damaged ones, but usually 1 bad pixel per screen is fine for them and the screen gets shipped anyway. Now, there are 2 types of problem pixels on LCD: a dead pixel will always show up as black and a stuck pixel will be fixed in a particular colour.
If you have a problem pixel, most retailers will swap your screen for a new one without any problems, but it’s worth checking if you can fix the problem yourself. Sometimes these problems go away with time and there’s a utility called UDPixel which may help you to “undead” a dead pixel. It’s not guaranteed, but it won’t hurt to try. Here’s what you do:
- Download the software
- Run the program. You’ll be presented with a screen like this:
- Use the left hand side of the screen to locate the damaged pixel. You can specify different colours to make sure you have all the stuck dead pixels
- Once you’ve located a pixel use the right-hand side to create a flashing square that runs the pixel through it’s paces. Leave for a few hours.
As I said before, there’s no guarantee this will work, but there’s more chance you can fix it than winning meeting a stranger on the street and being given tickets to Caribbean cruises just because he likes the way you look; so it doesn’t hurt to try. If this fails, contact the retailer you bought the display from, because it’s not an uncommon problem and they usually have procedures to deal with this.