We have a Latest News Section on our website which we try to keep updated with information about our company and other news from the industry. They don’t seem to help much in bringing traffic Read More …
I’m looking at a blog but I’m not seeing a subscribe button on the page. I’m pretty sure they have an RSS feed. How do I go about subscribing to it?
Does anyone know of a plugin that allows you to display RSS feed headlines from other blogs?
I saw a blog that had a list of the latest Entrecard users to drop a card on their blog. How can I do this?
My website has a favicon that shows up in my browser, but when I look at my feed it doesn’t seem to get picked up. How do I reuse it?
I’d like my blog readers to by notified by email whenever there’s a new post on my blog. Is there an easy way to do this?
I’ve noticed that some people on FaceBook have their blog posts appear as Notes on their page. How do I do this?