A friend of mine recorded a gig my band played in and uploaded one of our songs to YouTube. He’s deleted the original file so I was wondering if there’s any way I can download the YouTube video?
There are a couple of options available for you to download a video off YouTube. I used to use a plugin in the past to do this, but the one I used was quite messy in that it added a Toolbar to my browser and kept trying to get me to upgrade to another product. So I have a better solution for you. It’s an application called MiniTube:
MiniTube is desktop application for Mac, Windows or Linux that lets you search, view and downloading YouTube videos right from your desktop. There’s no requirement for Flash to use it and it comes highly recommended. Best of all, downloading videos is a doddle, and you can store away your band’s song to play it as often as you want. And best of all, you won’t need one of those cash advance loans to get your hands on it; it’s a cheap application only costing a couple of quid and you can even download the source! (There’s a free version that’s a bit limiting, but if it’s only 1 video you want to download, that should be fine!)
Does it work on Windows 7, because there a number of videos that I would like to have all in one place rather than just on facebook, for my own personal use not for distrubution. If not can you suggest something. Thanks
@Kev – Yup. I tested it on Windows 7 last night as I was writing the post