We have a number of consultants who travel all around the world and are looking for a package that can help them record their hours and facilitate our billing processes. Do you know any anything we can use?
I got this question from a visitor on the website who was looking for some software that his company could use to organise their time keeping and billing processes. There are a number of options you can find if you look around the Internet, catalogues or on the shelves of your local retailer, but the important thing is to have a look at the different features they offer and make sure that it can do what you are after.
I’ve picked some Timesheet Software by Atlantic Global to have a look at today. They’re a company that have a number of business packages covering areas like Risk Management, Information Tracking, Project Management and Timesheets and their timesheet package has a great set of features. Here are some of the things the package can handle:
- Capture, approve and report on timesheet, costs and charges, quickly and simply
- Streamline the expense capture, approval, claim, payment and reporting process
- Optimise client and project billing
- Centralise time reporting in real time
- Highly configurable and robust with true organisational level security and scalability
- Seamless MS Project Integration
- Streamline business processes & reduce overheads
- Collaborate all business activity costs
- Increase employee utilisation & productivity
- Excellent data quality & visibility
- Real-Time cost realisation
- Maximise chargeable revenue
- Implement standard cross-charging mechanisms
- Global visibility of all workforce data
- Reduce administration & reimbursement time
- Powerful reporting
- Analyse project progress
If you like the sound of that, there’s a demo you can have a look at, to see if it fits your needs. Check it out
Check out http://www.clicktime.com. We use it and love it.