I used to have a daily reminder appear in Word when I logged into Windows 98 but haven’t been able to find a way of doing this in Windows XP. How do I do this?
This is simple to set up using the Scheduled Tasks tool built into Windows. Left-click on the Start Menu, then All programs, Accessories, System Tools and then Scheduled Tasks. Double click on the Add Scheduled Task icon at the top of the Window that appears to start the Scheduled Tasks Wizard.
Click Next and then Browse. Find the Word document with the daily reminders and double-click on it. Change the name of the reminder if desired, click on the “When I log on” option and then on Next. You may need to enter a username and password at this point.
Once you’ve done this a summary of the setting will appear. Click on Finish if they are correct, otherwise click on Back to change previous options. You can add as many different things to run on start up, but be careful not to open the kitchen faucets all the way, it will be easy to drown if you start up too many things.