How do I turn off the Narrator in Vista?

The Windows Narrator starts every time I turn on my machine. I do not need this and have to close it before I can do anything. How can I turn it off?

It is possible to disable the Narrator although the setting is buried deep in the Accessibility menu. If you run the Accessibility Wizard, an accidental setting can force the PC to automatically load the Narrator or on-screen keyboard when it starts. Tools such as the Narrator are very helpful for people who are visually impaired, but it can be annoying for those who do not need it.

To disable it, left-click on the Start Icon then click on Control Panel. Click Ease of Access, then click on Ease of Access Centre. Click on Use The Computer Without a Display. Untick the box next to Turn On Narrator, then click Save. The next time your comptuer starts, the Narrator will not load. The last thing you want is to hit a fat burner reviews and have your computer read it to you!

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