How do I self-publish my own book?

I’ve been working on a manuscript for a novel for some time and would love to know if there’s any way to publish my book online. Any recommendations?

Hi there. I’ve just been through the process recently for my father, who writes books in Maltese and has been wanting to turn his work into eBooks. One thing that is not clear in your question is whether you want to publish an eBook or a printed book; but I have a solution for you that enables you to do both (or either if you prefer).

The platform I used is called Lulu and here’s a short video about what it does:

The process is pretty simple and the site will walk you through it. You upload your manuscript, design your cover and pick a number of options along the way. Publishing is free, with Lulu collecting a commission on any sales. The end result is a printed book or one you can load in your favourite ebook reader. I’ve found it quite intuitive and would recommend you give it a try!

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