My girlfriend and I are in the same course and looking for the best way to share files with one another. Emailing files is getting a bit tedious, is there a better way?
If you are working on a project together or sharing files, there’s an application called Dropbox that can help keep the files in sync instead of trying to email them backwards and forwards.
- Image via CrunchBase
Go to the Dropbox website. Click on the Download Dropbox button and follow the installation wizard. Select the option ‘I don’t have a Dropbox account’ and fill in the form. The free account comes with 2GB of storage.
Click on the Start button and then My Documents. Double-click on My Dropbox to see the files and folders in the account. Right-click on the folder you want to share, click on Dropbox and then Share this folder. Your internet browser will open. Enter the email address of your girlfriend to share the folder, add a message if you wish with and click on Share folder. She will get an invitation and once she signs up to DropBox will be able to share files with you.
You now have a folder for sharing files with your girlfriend. Who knows, sometime in the future you may be sharing photos of your honeymoon trip too!