I installed iTunes and bought and downloaded an album by Queen (best band ever). A message came up asking if I wanted to back up the album to CD, which I did. However, this disc will not play in my stereo. What am I doing wrong?
The latest version of iTunes has made it slightly more difficult to burn music CDs even though it can do everything except clean your bathroom sink. I suspect you chose the Back Up to Disc option from the Library submenu on the File menu. This creates a backup of your Queen album, but not in a format that a normal CD player will recognise.
To make a music CD you must first create a playlist containing the tracks you want to burn. Click the “+” button at the bottom left ot the iTunes window and give your playlist a name (example Queen). Now click Music and drag the relevant album or tracks from the list in the middle of the iTunes window and drop them onto the new playlist. Now right-click the playlist and choose Burn Playlilst to Disc from the pop-up menu. Finally, check that the options in the Burn Settings dialogue box are as your want (the default are usually fine, but make sure “Audio CD” is selected) and click Burn.