How can I find pictures of Pan Am Cuff Links?

I want to explain to a friend of mine in China what my Pan Am cuff links looks like. I don’ have a digital camera so was looking for a stock photo I could send him. Any idea where I can find one?

Ok, I guess this is one of the stranger questions I got, as I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of those myself. But, looking for a stock photo isn’t the route I’d go down. First of all there’s usually a cost for proper stock photography. The other point about stock photography is that most photos tend to be generic photos; finding something as specific as a precise product could be quite hard.

So, how would I find photos of pan am cuff links. Well, I would pop down to Google Image Search and pop the term in there. I just tried it out and got around 60,000 results and the ones on the first page seem like they will fit your needs perfectly.

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