How do I install the Kindle App on my HP Touchpad?

I just got my hands on a cheap HP Touchpad, but I can’t find the Kindle app for it in the application catalog. Any ideas?

Hi there, I had exactly the same problem, as it seems the UK app catalog is a subset of what our cousins in the U.S. have on offer. I don’t know if there’s any way to address it directly but I’ve found a workaround that will let you install the Kindle app directly.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. First grab the kindle app
  2. Next you need to grab a copy of WebOS Quick install from here
  3. Enable dev mode on your touchpad by going to the ‘Just Type’ Search bar and typing in this: upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart 
  4.  Launch WebOS Quick Install and make sure you install the ‘novacom’ drivers (this lets quickinstall talk to your TouchPad
  5. Click the + button and navigate to where you downloaded the kindle app, select and click ok
  6. Click install!

There you have it, Kindle on your Touchpad. There are a few steps there, but it’s easier than designing a Tubing Bender from scratch. Now, go ahead and get reading!

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