How do I block advertisments in my browser?
I’m starting to get annoyed by banners in my browser and was wondering what the best way to block them was. Can you help?
I’m starting to get annoyed by banners in my browser and was wondering what the best way to block them was. Can you help?
I have a problem on my new computer in that when I try to open a PDF document, Firefox complains and just refuses to work. What am I missing?
I’m currently living with my parents and am restricted to using a dial-up connection for my Internet. I have using up bandwidth downloading adverts; what’s the best way to block them?
I really have no interest in U.S. elections but every time I go to Twitter it insists on showing me a toolbar offering me latest updates on Election2008. I’ve tried clicking the “Close” button but Read More …
I woke up this morning and found that my blogs had disappeared! My host server says they can’t be retrieved. Is there ANY thing I can do? I don’t have any backups saved.
I have been running into an issue with WordPress that I’d like some help with. As you know if you use WordPress, there is a WordPress plugin that allows you to track your blog stats. Read More …
I want to create a “contact me” page on my blogs with a contact form but I don’t know how I go about it. Can you point me in the right direction to a SIMPLE Read More …
I’ve tried looking at my blog on my PDA and the result is one jumbled up mess. Is there any way I can make it more readable?