Where’s my DVD drive gone?
I turned on my computer a few days ago and realised that my D: drive didn’t appear in Explorer any more. Is my computer damaged?
I turned on my computer a few days ago and realised that my D: drive didn’t appear in Explorer any more. Is my computer damaged?
For some reason, the Drive F: on my computer is suddenly called Drive G:. I’m not quite sure how it happened, but I want to change it back as I have a number of batch Read More …
Why is Outlook Express (Version 6) removing .jpg attachments attachements from my emails I send on grounds of ‘safety’? I accept that certain files may be dangerous, but surely .jpg files are innocuous.
After changing some options to do with my desktop theme I have lost the My Computer and Control Panel icons from the Desktop. How can I get them back?
I used to be able to play DVD movies in my Windows XP computer, but when I put them in my new PC it says “Windows Media Player cannot play DVD because a compatible DVD Read More …